The Little Champions class is a martial arts program specifically designed for children ages 2-4 years old. This program focuses on improving your child's listening and motor skills. Our Little Champions Classes are fast-paced, fun-filled, educational and motivational. Our Little Champions love participating with their parents through a series of obstacle courses and fun exercises.
Pit Peewees
The Pit Peewees program was designed specifically for children ages 4-6 years old. In the Pit Pewees Program your child will learn and grow in a class that accommodates this age groups skills and abilities.
We believe that the time between the ages of 4 and 6 are the most important and critical years of a child's development. Our Pit Peewees program will enhance positive development in a fun, safe and motivating way.
Below is a highlight of a Pit Pewees tournament. It shows some basics that might be covered in class.